Resolutions for a Heart Healthy New Year

Resolutions for a Heart Healthy New Year

As the New Year rolls around and each of us considers what our resolutions will be, we here at
CardioVisual have a suggestion, in particular for anyone struggling with cardiovascular health.
Resolve to eat less red meat. It will not only improve your heart conditions, but will help the rest
of the global, as well. Meat consumption has an outsized effect on the environment, with beef
accounting for 36 percent of food-related greenhouse gas emissions.
Of course, reducing and cutting red meat from our diets is easier said than done, but over at
Harvard’s T.H. Chan School of Public Health, they have some dietary strategies for reducing
and replacing the red meat in your daily intake. Here’s some of our favorites:
● Eat less red meat and processed meats like bacon and cold cuts (yes, even lunch meats
that aren’t technically red meat can affect cardiovascular health because of the level of
● Reduce your portion sizes and/or reduce the frequency you eat red meat to once a day.
● Swap out beef for fish or chicken.
● Replace with veggies and other healthier options, like nuts for protein and healthy fats,
and legumes and whole grains which provide protein as well.
● Use smaller portions of red meat to flavor larger meals.
● Add umami flavor to your meals with mushrooms.
● Eat a greater variety of foods for better taste.