In the first six months of 2020, the COVID-19 pandemic has gripped the world and largely affected the mental health of many individuals. With stay-at-home orders and self quarantine, day-to-day life has changed immensely. Millions have filed for unemployment, and some have difficulties accessing care for chronic illness. Meanwhile, over 100,000 Americans have lost their lives to COVID-19. The uncertainty has led to an unsettling feeling amongst many, leaving them unsure of how to cope.
It is imperative to keep up with our own mental health and self-care during this time. While we may think of our mental health as separate, it has large impacts on our physical well-being as well.
At CardioVisual, we will continue to encourage (and provide materials for) creating a healthy lifestyle.
Some helpful resources:
- Very Well Mind offers a helpful list of healthy coping skills for uncomfortable emotions.
- The Centers for Disease Control lists symptoms of stress as well as resources for those in distress.
- Mental Health America offers information on mental health and disease outbreaks with specific resources for BIPOC individuals.